Rule #2 Come to Class Prepared

“Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.”
-Dale Carnegie
(The above image was found on
Below is a brief article stating that the more prepared a student is, the more they participate in class.
Alright, this may seem like a pretty obvious rule. But you would be surprised by how many people show up to class without the necessary materials. What? I need to bring stuff to class? Yes, your blossoming brain isn’t enough. Depending on your teacher, a textbook may be assigned to class. But for my respective class, our teacher speaks to us ahead of time if we will be using our textbook the following class.
In addition, a rather roomy binder with a stockyard of paper that could reincarnate an entire forest will be necessary. When I say binder, I’m not referring to a measly 1/2 “ piece of flimsy plastic. I’m talking about one of those 3”, heavy duty pieces of steel. Believe me, these binders will take a beating throughout the year. Preferably find a waterproof brand because tears will shed, if you know what I mean. Keep important handouts near and dear to your heart, or in this case, the front of aforementioned binder. Having all of your materials makes you organizd and more prepared to class.
In addition to having all materials at hand, it is important to come with a prepared frontal lobe. Complete all assigned reading and don’t forget those collateral articles. You never know when you will have to call on that little bit of knowledge! Being mentally prepared and physically prepared allows you to fully participate in class.
(The picture below is of my own creation)

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